Saturday 19 December 2015

How to communicate with your dog?

How to communicate with your dog?

How to communicate with your dog?


Often you hope the dog can talk so that you can know clearly what she thought?
Dog behavior experts say that by studying the movements of your dog daily in a short time is not difficult for you to read what he thinks yan and desirable.

Dog behavior experts found the key simply by observing the movement of the entire body of the dog and not just partially, as only the tail.

Observe the dog in certain situations will tell you whether the dog in a relaxed state, joy, attention, fear or ferocious.

Pay attention to your dog and find out.

Is your dog happy?

When the dog excited over his body looks soft and relaxed and wiggles and wags his tail so that the whole body swaying ..
If the dog's ears fell relaxed and gentle eyes said that your dog cool and good -I'm
Is he interested and aroused?
A dog that does what its genes tell him is a happy dog. Serve with a little activity dogs as retrievers take something thrown, terrier who gets a chance to sniff something strange or pursue a new toy in the shake back and forth and a border collie that be invited through obstacles, the dog will rejoice, wags his tail, barking, smiling, and spun in a circle.

After finding out what activities make the dog happy doing this activity is often possible se
Whether the dog is concerned?
You're out with your dog and other dogs suddenly appeared. If the dog's first known dog, he tends to show his concern by clicking kakukan and wagging tail does not wag the body.
Wagging with body wags say THAT dog you say- I'm investigating and assessing new friends.
Wagging tail straight up showed increased alert.

When a little nervous, the dog will pull his ear close to the head and a little breathless or may cover his mouth to allow him sniff to check everything. He was also able to open his eyes wider to let in more light.

Is he afraid of?

Dog owners often confuse the dog was frightened by a dog who feel embarrassed or guilty.

For example: When home from work to find the dog had an accident at home or dog chew your shoes. You express strong disagreement and give him firmness. He reacted by putting his body on the floor, pinning her ears back and tuck his tail between his legs.

He may look like he felt guilty or he's really scared and worried about what it might do.
Fear of a dog does not look different.
When the dog is afraid of something or a stranger, he would go into a defensive position and ready to fight.

The dog will be to kakukan and stood tall to make himself look bigger and the tail will rise very high and rigid. Your dog hoping the threat will go away soon.

Is he angry?

Probably not. If the dog tore torn couch while you're away, you might think she was angry or spiteful. But most dogs do that less attention pemilik.dan fear of being alone,
This is called separation anxiety, dogs do this because they do not get enough attention or exercise. Talk to your veterinarian, to its solution.

Is he sick?

Dogs can whine in salahpahamkan. Many owners think the dog whining to signal pain, but many times the dog will whine just to get attention and care for them. If your dog whines make sure he does not hurt. If you give him attention and he still does not stop whining, contact your veterinarian.

Taking the time to learn how to read your dog will increase the pleasure of having a pet and it will make you very satisfied with the dog fun ..
"It is important that pet owners understand what their dog and is the key to a great hubugngan with your pet dog."
Please try ! Good luck .

Causes and Treatment of Diarrhea in Dogs

Causes and Treatment of Diarrhea in Dogs

Causes and Treatment of Diarrhea in Dogs

    How Do I Treat Diarrhea?
    Are Common Symptoms Diarrhea?
    What Causes Diarrhea in Dogs?
    Whether certain vulnerable Dog Race Diarrhea?
    How Diarrhea can be prevented?
    Should I take my dog ​​to the veterinarian?

Diarrhea is characterized by a large and liquid bowel movements often. This can be caused by something as simple as a change in diet or a more serious disease or infection. Diarrhea can occur suddenly and within a short time. It can also last for several weeks or months or occur off and on. Diarrhea once in dogs generally do not need to worry about but if it lasts for more than one day, will be able to cause dehydration or may indicate an underlying health problem and should be checked by a veterinarian.

1. How to Treat Diarrhea?

It is often recommended that you avoid giving the dog food for 12-24 hours while he had diarrhea, but providing plenty of fresh, clean water to prevent dehydration. Check with your veterinarian about the right treatment for the dog in your particular case.

2. Are the Symptoms of Diarrhea?

Stools stools or loose stools often are the most common symptoms of diarrhea in dogs. Other signs include flatulence blood or mucus in the stool, change in stool volume and trying to defecate. Lethargy, dehydration, fever, vomiting, decreased appetite, weight and urgency of an increase in bowel movements can also accompany diarrhea.

If your dog is black diarrhea, he may experience internal bleeding in the stomach or small intestine and should be checked by a veterinarian immediately.

3. What Causes Diarrhea in Dogs?

    Changes in diet
    Food intolerance
    Ingest garbage or spoiled food
    Ingesting toxic substances or substances toxic plants
    Swallowing foreign objects (for example, toys, rubber bands, plastic bags, etc.)
    Allergic reactions
    Bacterial or viral infections
    Internal parasites such as roundworms, coccidia and giardia
    Inflammatory bowel disease
    Kidney or liver disease
    Cancer or other tumors in the digestive tract
    Certain medications
    Gastroenteritis Hemmorhagic

4. Are certain Ras Prone Dog Diarrhea?

There are certain breeds which may tend to develop conditions that cause diarrhea. German shepherd, for example, are known to have an increased prevalence of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. Young dogs are more likely to have diarrhea and parasitic infections related than adult dogs

5. How Can I Prevent Diarrhea?

Keep in mind that even a healthy dog ​​will sometimes get diarrhea.

Here are tips to reduce the possibility of:

Keep up to date with vaccinations your dog.

Make sure the dog from parasites to follow the recommendation of a veterinarian.

Make sure the dog does not have access to garbage, spoiled food, etc.

When the dog goes way make sure he did not eat anything from the road, do not eat plant material or drink from puddles.

Do not allow her to ingest feces of other animals.

Minimize stress in the dog.

If you decide to switch gradually introduce the dog food, mix it with the food this time to ensure an easy transition for the dog's digestive tract.

6. Should the dog was taken to the Animal Your doctor?

Bring your dog to the veterinarian if the diarrhea it continuously for more than one day and when watching lethargy, vomiting, fever, dark or bloody stools, trying to defecate, decreased appetite or weight loss that can not be explained. Contact a veterinarian immediately if you see your dog has diarrhea, as it can be an important indicator of serious illness in young dogs.

Your veterinarian will examine the dog to the underlying disease and assessing the degree of dehydration stage. He might take a stool sample to check for internal parasites, as well as blood tests to identify the cause of diarrhea.

Other diagnostic tests may include radiography, ultrasound, culture, endoscopy and biopsy. Diagnostic tests and treatment is recommended will depend on how long the diarrhea has occurred and the severity of the condition of the dog.

The food is dangerous for dogs?

The food is dangerous for dogs?

The food is dangerous for dogs?

Food variety which could pose a danger to dogs because their metabolism is different. Some may cause only mild digestive disorders while others can cause severe illness and even death. Here are common foods that do not eat dog (intentionally or unintentionally).

Goods or foods that should be avoided

Reasons to avoid

Alcoholic beverages

can cause intoxication, coma, and death.

Avocado leaves, seeds, fruit, and bark

contains Persin which can cause vomiting and diarrhea.

Bones from fish, poultry, or other meat sources

can cause obstruction or laceration of the digestive system.

Cat Food

Generally too high in protein and fat.

Chocolate, coffee, tea, and other caffeine

Caffeine, theobromine, or theophylline, which can cause vomiting

and diarrhea and become toxic to the heart and nervous system.

Grapes, raisins and currants

Contain an unknown toxin, which can damage the kidneys. No problems associated with grape seed extract.

Human vitamin supplements containing iron

can damage the lining of the digestive system and be toxic to the other organs including the liver and kidneys.

Macadamia nuts

Contain an unknown toxin, which can affect the digestive and nervous system and muscles.

Milk and other dairy products

Some adult dogs and cats can develop diarrhea if given in large amounts of dairy products.

Food moldy or damaged, trash

can contain multiple toxins causing vomiting and diarrhea and can also affect other organs.


May contain toxins, which may affect multiple systems in the body, cause shock, and result in death.

Onions and garlic (raw, cooked, or powder)

Containing sulfoxide and disulfide, which can damage red blood cells and cause anemia. Cats are more susceptible than dogs.

Garlic is less toxic than onions.

Persimmon seeds

can cause intestinal obstruction and enteritis.

Raw eggs

Contain an enzyme called avidin, which decreases the absorption of biotin (vitamin B). This can cause skin problems and

hair coat. Raw eggs also contain Salmonella.

Salt if eaten in large quantities can

cause electrolyte imbalance.


can be trapped in the digestive system; called "foreign body."

Sweet foods

can lead to obesity, dental problems, and possibly diabetes mellitus.


Contains nicotine, which affects the digestive and nervous systems. Can result in rapid heartbeat, collapse, coma, and death.

Yeast dough

can expand and produce gas in the digestive system, causing pain and possible rupture of the stomach or intestines.

We recommend that owners consider proper diet and nutritional balance needed to maintain the health of the dog.

Monday 11 May 2015

how long do dogs stay pregnant before having puppies, before giving birth

how long do dogs stay pregnant before having puppies, before giving birth 

how long do dogs stay pregnant before having puppies, before giving birth


Dogs have a gestation period of between 58-68 days. As for determining a positive dog is pregnant or not can generally be done manually by touching (palpation) area of ​​the uterus where the fetus began to be felt at the gestational age of 28 days. Unfortunately, this technique is rather difficult to do in large breed dogs. For more akuratif examination can be performed with ultrasound (ultrasound) that can detect fetal heart rate from the age of 28 days as well as with x-ray that can detect the number of fetuses based on bone calcification formed from the age of 42 days.
In early pregnancy can be accompanied by their dogs decreased appetite more hormonal changes caused by factors within the framework of adjustment of the embryo in the body of a dog. But you need not worry because from the age of 6 weeks is generally the appetite of dogs will rise quickly followed by weight gain. At this time the dose administration of dogfood should be added gradually by 25% per week up to 2X normal dose when they reach 8 weeks.
In the first month of pregnancy the dog should also not be given vitamin supplements, especially calcium for the extraction of calcium can cause bone disorders after childbirth due to excess vitamin A and D which can be followed by the occurrence of hypocalcemia. It can be anticipated with the provision of high-quality diet mainly puppy formula dog food because it has a balanced nutrient content specifically for the needs of fetal growth.
In addition to nutrition, exercise / exercise such as walking and running on a regular basis is also necessary to train the muscle tone, especially muscle of the uterus. Towards the last week of childbirth, dogs are more easily tired and lazy to move because of the size of the enlarged abdomen so that you can reduce the intensity of the exercise at this stage.
You also need to pay attention to the physiological changes that appear along with the normal pregnant dogs, including nipple enlargement to secrete milk at 2-7 days before birth. Besides weight gain also needs to be considered, especially entering the second month of pregnancy, which is accompanied by an increase in appetite. Body weight should not exceed 15-25% of normal weight during pregnancy to prevent obesity that can interfere with the process of the birth of the puppies later.
Signs your dog enters the time parturition (childbirth) apart from the above changes, was also accompanied by a change in behavior (behavior) dog like restlessness, decreased appetite 1-2oC accompanied by a drop in body temperature than normal which is 38-39oC and generally comes a day ahead parturition. In addition, it also can be found for the secretion of colored clear jelly-like fluid from the vagina that looks swollen (oedematous) on 1-3 days before birth (parturition).
If you have not experienced in dealing with dogs parturition, it helps you plan a schedule of births in the veterinary clinic and the local vet in childbirth due to the special skills needed to handle a newborn puppy.
Caring for pregnant dogs require special attention, not only in terms of nutrition and exercise, but also in health care in order to produce quality optimal mother and child. Especially those who are new first experience dealing with pregnant dogs, it is better to consult with a local veterinarian about your dog's health status, the choice of an appropriate diet, treatment techniques as well as a preparatory step ahead of your dog at the time of delivery. It helps you also know the basic knowledge about pregnancy dogs as anticipatory measures in an effective and safe treatment for the safety of the mother and child, remembering often found in cases such as childbirth (distokia), disease or miscarriage when pregnant dog.
It required careful planning prior to breed your dog, especially regarding the health of the dog. It is useful to prevent the potential transmission of disease from mother to children, given the newborn puppies not yet have optimal immune. There is a good dog has mated before complete vaccination status, so that colostrum parent has a substance passively resistant enough to protect the body's resistance puppies. You also need to make sure your dog has given worming at least 2 x before mated, to prevent transmission of the worm in the fetus that may occur through the placenta and the mother's milk. It is also necessary to control the ectoparasites such as fleas and ticks.

how long do dogs stay pregnant before having puppies, before giving birth Dog Pregnancy Timeline

The first week (days 1-7)

Puppies developments:

• There fertilization
• 2 cell embryos in the oviduct
• The embryo is quite resistant to external interference in its development.

Changes to the parent:
• possibilities for morning sickness
• a change in attitude

Treatment on the parent:
• normal feeding
• sport / exercise enough -> If you do not ever exercise before pregnancy, then it should start light exercise routine every day to expedite the delivery process later
• Checks and ask your vet all obat2an before given.
• no flea medication
• Do not vaccinated

The second week (days 8-14)

Puppies developments:
• At the beginning of the week will be a 4-cell embryo and the cells at the end of week 64
• The embryo begin to enter the womb

Changes to the parent:
• still the possibility of morning sickness

Treatment on the parent:
• continuation as the first week

The third week (days 15-21)

Puppies developments:
• Day 19 - implantation of an embryo in the womb in

The fourth week (days 22-28)

Puppies developments:
• The development of the eyes and spine
• The face begins to take shape
• The fetus grows from 5-10 mm to 14-15 mm
• Organogenesis started - period cartilage defects
• Day 26-32 are the most appropriate to palpation (feeling the abdomen to feel the pulse of the fetus)

Changes to the parent:
• the possibility of whitish
• nipple begins to enlarge
• after the 26th day, palpation can be done

Treatment on the parent:
• Limit strenuous activity (jumping, running away)
• Add 1/4 cup of cheese or hard-boiled eggs as food for certain day2.

To do list:
• Schedule an ultrasound or palpation to the vet.

Fifth week (days 29-35)

Puppies developments:
• Development of toes, whisker buds, and nails
• The fetus already looks like a dog
• Gender can be seen
• eyes (once open) are now closed
• The fetus grows from 18 mm to 30mm
• Organogenesis ends - The embryo is now quite resistant to outside interference with development.

Changes to the parent:
• Swelling increasingly visible
• Loss 'tuck-up'
• Weight increased

Treatment on the parent:
• Add meal portions
• Give a multivitamin every day
• Palpitations no longer possible due to fluid in the womb

Sixth week (days 36-42)

Development puppies:
• The development of skin pigment
• The size of the fetus kira2 6 grams 45 mm
• fetus's heart rate can be heard with a stethoscope

Changes to the parent:
• Putting into dark and enlarged
• Stomach growing

Treatment on the parent:
• Add cheese and boiled eggs for food everyday
• Increase the number of servings of food
• Get used to sleep in the whelping box.

To do list:
• Create whelping box / comfortable place to while giving birth later

Seventh week (43-49)

Development puppies:
• fetal growth and development continues

Changes to the parent:
• fur around the nipples and belly began to fall
• Parent will look pregnant at this time

Treatment on the parent:
• Increase eating little by little

To do list:
• Stop the parent jumps
• Do radiographs to determine the number and size of puppies

Eighth week (50-57)

Development puppies:
• Movement of the fetus can be detected when the master bed / quiet
• The fetus is safe to be born from now on

Changes to the parent:
• Milk can be squeezed from the nipple
• His body look bigger

Treatment on the parent:
• Add a lunch portion

To do list:
• Prepare phone 2 numbers to call when the birth occurred.
• Vehicles must be ready at any time if you have to do a birth with the help of a veterinarian.

Ninth week (58-65)

Development puppies:
• fetal growth continues

Changes to the parent:
• Start looking for a nesting place
• The pacing, panting, restlessness
• loss of appetite

Treatment on the parent:
• Start checking body temperature, normally around 38 degrees Celsius, when the temperature dropped to 36 degrees Celsius, the birth must be done in less than 24 hours.

To do list:
• Tell the vet, so they will be ready if there is a problem at any time of birth
• Continue to monitor the mother
• Make sure all the tools are ready births.

• Ensure that all puppies get the colostrum (first milk) from the mother within the first 24 hours. Colostrum contains antibodies to protect puppies from disease. It also helps them to adapt to the stomach new food.
• Vaginal fluid (after birth) reddish or reddish-brown color (green is okay if the first day), if it is black, immediately contact a veterinarian.
• 5-6 hours after the birth of the last child, call the veterinarian to check the state of the mother and puppies. The doctor will determine whether there is still a fetus or placenta are still stuck in the stomach, and ensure puppies in good health. This examination should not be missed, because if there was still a fetus or placenta is retained in the stomach, there will be infections that can cause death.

Thursday 7 May 2015

10 Basic Rules Puppies Dog Care

10 Basic Rules Puppies Dog Care 

10 Basic Rules Puppies Dog Care

Having a puppy dog ​​is very fun but there is a lot of responsibility that we should do as the owner. Pedigree® has tips on what to do in the maintenance of puppies were contained in 10 points.

    Rule # 1: Start training your dog puppies on the first day he arrives in your home.

    Dogs are not born in keaadaan trained. He will see you as a coach. What he should do and what not to do should you teach from that day. Combine this exercise with the game so he does not get bored and established a good friendship with him. Through this exercise, puppies will know what is expected by the employer.
    Rule # 2: Puppies dogs need a balanced nutrition.

    Foods with a complete and balanced nutrition is mandatory for him to perfect growth. Puppies need protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals in the right amount. Puppies should be given food in the form of concentrates that she can receive all the necessary nutrients without overloading the digestive system. Always provide clean drinking water.
    Rule # 3: Make a habit of puppies digrooming.

    Menggrooming Start your puppy from an early age that it is familiar with this case. Dogs are familiar and quiet when digrooming will facilitate your work.
    Rule # 4: Puppies dogs need dental care.

    In fact, untreated tooth can cause a variety of diseases in the future. Get used to clean your dog's teeth puppies from scratch. Plaque and tartar will be found on dogs older than 2 years who does not run dental care. The buildup of plaque and tartar on the teeth damage tooth enamel and gums causing health problems.
    Rule # 5: Give the dog sport in puppies.

    Part of the normal activities of puppies is regular exercise. This sport needs the dog will not only depend on the size of the dog's body, but also of the type of breed. Do not give too strenuous exercise for puppies because their bones have not grown to perfection. Combine the game with the sport.
    Rule # 6: Health check at the vet regularly.

    Ideally, you already have the candidate vet to be subscribed you before you have a puppy dog. Once the puppies you arrive home, take him to the vet the next day to check the overall health. Ask the veterinarian to make a vaccine schedule for him. Create a pleasant atmosphere when you invite your puppies to the vet so that he is not afraid to meet veterinarian.
    Rule # 7: Do a health check at home.

    Schedule regular health checks at home. Check the weight, skin and fur, eyes and ears, gums and teeth, and skin irregularities section. If you find anything suspicious should contact your veterinarian. Articles about home health check will follow).
    Rule # 8: Introducing puppies on other dogs.

    If your home already has another dog should do introductions between them. Dogs who have a longer stay would feel he is the ruler of the house. While the puppies will usually underestimate this so as to cause him any harm. You should conduct surveillance for several days so that the process of assimilation is running smoothly. Once the puppies already know, he would not behave arbitrarily in front of senior dogs.
    Rule # 9: Give praise for the good things he did.

    Make puppies this dog as a member of your family. If he is doing things right and pleases you, give him praise. If he makes a mistake, immediately give a warning at that time so that he can distinguish which can make you happy and which ones can make you angry. Basically the dog wants to do things that are fun for the employer.
    Rule 10: Be patient and enjoy.

    Raising puppies need high patience. Find out various tips or articles on this subject, if necessary, you can consult with your veterinarian. Sometimes, puppies do something that makes us upset but there are times when certain sense of satisfaction and emotion to see it grow well and cheerful.

How to care for and train the dog chihuahua

How to care for and train the dog chihuahua

How to care for and train the dog chihuahua

The following are brief tips to care for Chihuahua.

Caring for the age 2 months up to 1 year.

Feeding is done four times a day, because of Chihuahua has a small digestive system should not be eating too much. For example eating 50 grams per day of dry dog ​​food, should not be given in two meals (25 grams) would be better if meals are provided in four times (12.5 grams). Dry dog ​​food should be tempered until the age of 3 months. Feeding four times per day until the age of 6 months after it is 2 times per day. Chihuahua under 1 year should not be too fat to keep the bone growth is not disturbed.

Daily care.

It's good that Chihuahua dog is not kept in cages. Simply provide a safe place for him to play. The rooms do not have air conditioning because this dog is not strong with the cold weather. Better yet, if maintained all subjects were exposed to sunlight.

Drying every day absolute to do if the dog is kept in cages or in the room (indoor). Dogs are kept open yard would choose his own time for sunbathing, do not be surprised if they were sunbathing in the daytime but if according to the veterinarian (mostly) good for drying time is around 7 â € "8 am. Naturally, the dog sun to dry their feathers to avoid moisture. Dogs who like to sunbathe are usually more powerful than the disease attacks the skin.

Chihuahua bathed as seldom as possible. For Chihuahua maintained in the room can be bathed at least 3 months. For the outdoors (outdoor) should be the fastest one month. Indeed, you will be distracted by the smell if rarely bathed but their fur will be healthier because their skin is not dry because the oil coating produced by the skin to protect the fur is not removed by detergent. To cope with the smell you can wash dry using a dry shampoo is sold in pet shops or can also use baby powder. Powder spread throughout the body by using a hairbrush (could use a shoe polish brush) comb from the head toward the tail until the powder is falling along with the dead fur and other impurities.

Select food (dog food) air-kible small to be easily chewed by Chihuahua. Maximum Protein for Chihuahua is 28%. If it had been given a quality dog ​​food, the addition of vitamins or other supplements are not necessary.

Although it has been maintained in the room is quite spacious, Chihuahua need to be given training (exercise) is quite outside the home. In addition to forming a good body, exercise outside the home (highway) can also form a character that does not shy Chihuahua. Exercise can be started at the age of 3 months or if the vaccination was done. For puppies, should not be too hard enough roads around 200-300 meters. For adult dogs (1 year) training could be given more (1 â € "5 KM). Addition of distance or time of exercise should be gradual. For example for the first month of a 1 km course, every month added 1 KM to 5 KM limit. Give me a break about 5 minutes each kilometer.

Chihuahua pregnant and nursing care.

Chihuahua who are pregnant should not be given additional supplements such as vitamins or calcium if his appetite is good and the quality is also good foodnya dog. If Chihuahua is not a good appetite should be fed dog food that has been softened with warm water. Chihuahua who was pregnant when given additional vitamin will cause the size of the fetus to be great so it will be hard to bear.

For Chihuahua who are breastfeeding should added vitamins or calcium. Chihuahua nursing desperate need of extra vitamins and calcium for milk production to run smoothly. If the appetite is still not good or poor appetite with regular dog food that is given you should give other foods such as meat / liver with rice. Add a little salt so that the dog always thirsty so he will be a lot of drinking. Dogs who are breastfeeding should drink plenty of milk production so smoothly....

How to Train and Caring for Dogs Siberian Husky

How to Train and Caring for Dogs Siberian Husky

How to Train and Caring for Dogs Siberian Husky

Siberian HuskyA brief history of Siberian Husky dog:Maybe this time we know of the story, that the dog is actually a wolf separated from the wild by humans in ancient times were then bred so that in its development the wolf into a dog. After tens of thousands of years, finally has created various types of dogs. Of useful working dogs to dog toy that has no usefulness for humans in addition to being a friend or pet alone. Of mongrel who has an amazing ability to survive until the dog is not likely to survive without human assistance.Currently, the development of science has given confidence that wolves and dogs is very close relatives, maybe even a wolf is actually a variation type (breed) dog. Eg Siberian Husky dog ​​is a dog that includes breeds but glance looks like a wolf, is thought to occur as a result of natural crosses.Originally purebred dogs was developed by the Chukchi people in the northeast Asian region as a carriage puller dog to carry the load. In the winter of 1925, when the fever hit the city of Nome Diptheria, remote areas of Alaska, this dog relay team bringing Neana saving serum from the area a short distance. Bersemangatkan heroic effort from the rider and his dog is getting a national award.

Siberian Husky properties:

Siberian Husky is a dog that has a pleasant and intimate nature. Gentle and friendly character may have occurred because legacy of the past, since the Chukchi people maintain these dogs. However Siberian Husky is also very cautious, but it is fun and easy to adjust. The level of intelligence has also been demonstrated, but the soul every time bias challenging the independence of human ingenuity. Usually all-round ability makes him a matching companion for humans of all ages in a variety of preferences.

When the ability to attract the attention of the entire family is shown, he showed ketidaktakutan of strangers and will welcome guests with friendly. In relation to foreign dogs, Siberian Husky showing interest suave and regard as your own. If attacked, however, he is ready and able to defend itself and be able to deal with attacks by killing his opponent.Predatory instincts in the Siberian Husky is very strong. When the Siberian Husky is normally welcoming and friendly with humans and other dogs, the owners must be careful against small animals that are around the house, such as squirrels, rabbits, birds, mice, hamsters, cats and other animals, is potential victims of strong predatory instinct. They are fast, smart and patient in his hunting ability.There is one last character of the Siberian Husky that must be considered. Namely the desire to run. Many other dog breeds, when left in the morning, would sit in front of the fence up all day. But not at the Siberian Husky. His legacy has blessed him with a passion for running and approval has been given to him with the ability to enjoy it without feeling tired.

How to preserve Siberian Husky:

Siberian Husky is a dog that is easily maintained. By nature he is clean and free of unpleasant odors and parasites. At least once a year Siberians shed their feathers. Some people feel that the future of this fur perontokkan more easily overcome than the threshing feathers and grow new continuous return of many other types of fur purebred dogs.At first it is a habit of many puppies in the whole race that occurs during dentition, which occurs continuously and is connected at the right target. Dig a hole, where many Siberian Husky has a special ability that depth to do that. Even today is still the case if he found the right area to be dug.Siberian Husky including easy to maintain, as it requires only the amount of food for his size. These characteristics, may also be followed on the racial origin of this custom, where people Chukchi developing their dogs to pull loads quickly over great distances at low temperatures where the likelihood that a bit to be able to bring some food.

A Siberian Husky that has properties like running and jumping, requires a protection, he should be in control at all times so that undesirable events occur. If you feel uncomfortable to watch, then the Siberian Husky is not the race that suits you.And one more trait that exist on this exciting dog. Siberian Husky live in collection and need friends like other dogs or humans at any time. If you work all day, or just have room only for one do not buy a dog or a dog Siberian Husky.