Monday 11 May 2015

how long do dogs stay pregnant before having puppies, before giving birth

how long do dogs stay pregnant before having puppies, before giving birth 

how long do dogs stay pregnant before having puppies, before giving birth


Dogs have a gestation period of between 58-68 days. As for determining a positive dog is pregnant or not can generally be done manually by touching (palpation) area of ​​the uterus where the fetus began to be felt at the gestational age of 28 days. Unfortunately, this technique is rather difficult to do in large breed dogs. For more akuratif examination can be performed with ultrasound (ultrasound) that can detect fetal heart rate from the age of 28 days as well as with x-ray that can detect the number of fetuses based on bone calcification formed from the age of 42 days.
In early pregnancy can be accompanied by their dogs decreased appetite more hormonal changes caused by factors within the framework of adjustment of the embryo in the body of a dog. But you need not worry because from the age of 6 weeks is generally the appetite of dogs will rise quickly followed by weight gain. At this time the dose administration of dogfood should be added gradually by 25% per week up to 2X normal dose when they reach 8 weeks.
In the first month of pregnancy the dog should also not be given vitamin supplements, especially calcium for the extraction of calcium can cause bone disorders after childbirth due to excess vitamin A and D which can be followed by the occurrence of hypocalcemia. It can be anticipated with the provision of high-quality diet mainly puppy formula dog food because it has a balanced nutrient content specifically for the needs of fetal growth.
In addition to nutrition, exercise / exercise such as walking and running on a regular basis is also necessary to train the muscle tone, especially muscle of the uterus. Towards the last week of childbirth, dogs are more easily tired and lazy to move because of the size of the enlarged abdomen so that you can reduce the intensity of the exercise at this stage.
You also need to pay attention to the physiological changes that appear along with the normal pregnant dogs, including nipple enlargement to secrete milk at 2-7 days before birth. Besides weight gain also needs to be considered, especially entering the second month of pregnancy, which is accompanied by an increase in appetite. Body weight should not exceed 15-25% of normal weight during pregnancy to prevent obesity that can interfere with the process of the birth of the puppies later.
Signs your dog enters the time parturition (childbirth) apart from the above changes, was also accompanied by a change in behavior (behavior) dog like restlessness, decreased appetite 1-2oC accompanied by a drop in body temperature than normal which is 38-39oC and generally comes a day ahead parturition. In addition, it also can be found for the secretion of colored clear jelly-like fluid from the vagina that looks swollen (oedematous) on 1-3 days before birth (parturition).
If you have not experienced in dealing with dogs parturition, it helps you plan a schedule of births in the veterinary clinic and the local vet in childbirth due to the special skills needed to handle a newborn puppy.
Caring for pregnant dogs require special attention, not only in terms of nutrition and exercise, but also in health care in order to produce quality optimal mother and child. Especially those who are new first experience dealing with pregnant dogs, it is better to consult with a local veterinarian about your dog's health status, the choice of an appropriate diet, treatment techniques as well as a preparatory step ahead of your dog at the time of delivery. It helps you also know the basic knowledge about pregnancy dogs as anticipatory measures in an effective and safe treatment for the safety of the mother and child, remembering often found in cases such as childbirth (distokia), disease or miscarriage when pregnant dog.
It required careful planning prior to breed your dog, especially regarding the health of the dog. It is useful to prevent the potential transmission of disease from mother to children, given the newborn puppies not yet have optimal immune. There is a good dog has mated before complete vaccination status, so that colostrum parent has a substance passively resistant enough to protect the body's resistance puppies. You also need to make sure your dog has given worming at least 2 x before mated, to prevent transmission of the worm in the fetus that may occur through the placenta and the mother's milk. It is also necessary to control the ectoparasites such as fleas and ticks.

how long do dogs stay pregnant before having puppies, before giving birth Dog Pregnancy Timeline

The first week (days 1-7)

Puppies developments:

• There fertilization
• 2 cell embryos in the oviduct
• The embryo is quite resistant to external interference in its development.

Changes to the parent:
• possibilities for morning sickness
• a change in attitude

Treatment on the parent:
• normal feeding
• sport / exercise enough -> If you do not ever exercise before pregnancy, then it should start light exercise routine every day to expedite the delivery process later
• Checks and ask your vet all obat2an before given.
• no flea medication
• Do not vaccinated

The second week (days 8-14)

Puppies developments:
• At the beginning of the week will be a 4-cell embryo and the cells at the end of week 64
• The embryo begin to enter the womb

Changes to the parent:
• still the possibility of morning sickness

Treatment on the parent:
• continuation as the first week

The third week (days 15-21)

Puppies developments:
• Day 19 - implantation of an embryo in the womb in

The fourth week (days 22-28)

Puppies developments:
• The development of the eyes and spine
• The face begins to take shape
• The fetus grows from 5-10 mm to 14-15 mm
• Organogenesis started - period cartilage defects
• Day 26-32 are the most appropriate to palpation (feeling the abdomen to feel the pulse of the fetus)

Changes to the parent:
• the possibility of whitish
• nipple begins to enlarge
• after the 26th day, palpation can be done

Treatment on the parent:
• Limit strenuous activity (jumping, running away)
• Add 1/4 cup of cheese or hard-boiled eggs as food for certain day2.

To do list:
• Schedule an ultrasound or palpation to the vet.

Fifth week (days 29-35)

Puppies developments:
• Development of toes, whisker buds, and nails
• The fetus already looks like a dog
• Gender can be seen
• eyes (once open) are now closed
• The fetus grows from 18 mm to 30mm
• Organogenesis ends - The embryo is now quite resistant to outside interference with development.

Changes to the parent:
• Swelling increasingly visible
• Loss 'tuck-up'
• Weight increased

Treatment on the parent:
• Add meal portions
• Give a multivitamin every day
• Palpitations no longer possible due to fluid in the womb

Sixth week (days 36-42)

Development puppies:
• The development of skin pigment
• The size of the fetus kira2 6 grams 45 mm
• fetus's heart rate can be heard with a stethoscope

Changes to the parent:
• Putting into dark and enlarged
• Stomach growing

Treatment on the parent:
• Add cheese and boiled eggs for food everyday
• Increase the number of servings of food
• Get used to sleep in the whelping box.

To do list:
• Create whelping box / comfortable place to while giving birth later

Seventh week (43-49)

Development puppies:
• fetal growth and development continues

Changes to the parent:
• fur around the nipples and belly began to fall
• Parent will look pregnant at this time

Treatment on the parent:
• Increase eating little by little

To do list:
• Stop the parent jumps
• Do radiographs to determine the number and size of puppies

Eighth week (50-57)

Development puppies:
• Movement of the fetus can be detected when the master bed / quiet
• The fetus is safe to be born from now on

Changes to the parent:
• Milk can be squeezed from the nipple
• His body look bigger

Treatment on the parent:
• Add a lunch portion

To do list:
• Prepare phone 2 numbers to call when the birth occurred.
• Vehicles must be ready at any time if you have to do a birth with the help of a veterinarian.

Ninth week (58-65)

Development puppies:
• fetal growth continues

Changes to the parent:
• Start looking for a nesting place
• The pacing, panting, restlessness
• loss of appetite

Treatment on the parent:
• Start checking body temperature, normally around 38 degrees Celsius, when the temperature dropped to 36 degrees Celsius, the birth must be done in less than 24 hours.

To do list:
• Tell the vet, so they will be ready if there is a problem at any time of birth
• Continue to monitor the mother
• Make sure all the tools are ready births.

• Ensure that all puppies get the colostrum (first milk) from the mother within the first 24 hours. Colostrum contains antibodies to protect puppies from disease. It also helps them to adapt to the stomach new food.
• Vaginal fluid (after birth) reddish or reddish-brown color (green is okay if the first day), if it is black, immediately contact a veterinarian.
• 5-6 hours after the birth of the last child, call the veterinarian to check the state of the mother and puppies. The doctor will determine whether there is still a fetus or placenta are still stuck in the stomach, and ensure puppies in good health. This examination should not be missed, because if there was still a fetus or placenta is retained in the stomach, there will be infections that can cause death.

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