Tuesday 5 May 2015

Educate dog to stop barking

Educate dog to stop barking

Six techniques that can help stop the dog barking.

While all of them can be very successful, you should not expect miraculous results overnight. The longer you have trained dog barking behavior, the longer it will take for him to change his ways.

Some of this training technique requires you to have an idea why your dog barks.

Always remember to keep the tips given during the training:

Do not yell at the dog to shut up - it just sounds like a barking with him. Keep your training sessions positive and optimistic.

Always consistent so the dog is not confused.

 Each family member must apply the same training method every time the dog barks inappropriately.

 Do not let the dog barking in time.

1. Remove reward

 Dogs get some kind of reward when he barks.

 If not, he would not do it.

 Find out, what the dog stops barking after that.

 Do not give the dog a chance to continue the barking behavior.

 Example: barking at passersby

 If he barks at people or animals through the living room window.

 How to educate close the curtains or put the dog in another room.

 If barked at passersby on page bawahlah dog into the house.

 Do not leave your dog outside unattended all day and night.

2. Ignore barking

 Ignore the barking of dogs as long as needed until it stops.

 That means not giving him any attention at all when he barks.

 Hold this acuhan when the barking dog is not in place.

 Do not talk to him, do not touch it and even see it.

 When he finally calmed down, take a breath began to take note.

 To be successful with this method, you have to wait as long as it takes for him to stop barking.

 If he barked for an hour and you are so frustrated and yell at him to shut up, next time will be barking for an hour and a half because he learned that if he only barked long enough you will give him attention.

 Example: barking when at home

 Ignore until it stops.

 After he stopped barking, praise him and give attention.

 As he felt the attention and he became quiet and let be treated as such and to prolong your attention when he must and will remain calm.

Start small by rewarding him to calm down for a few seconds and then quietly until the longer period of time to calm down.
Keep motivating and fun by varying the time.

Sometimes responded after 5 seconds, then 12 seconds, then 3 seconds, then 20 seconds, and so on.

3. Reducing the sensitivity of dogs to stimulus

Gradually reduce the sensitivity of dogs and familiar with anything that causes him to bark.

With a little distance away he was not barking when he sees it.

By feeding him a lot and treats and give good attention.

Move a little closer stimulus (maybe a few meters to start).

Then, if the stimulus moves out of sight, stop paying attention to the dog because you want the dog to learn that the appearance of the stimulus leads to good things (provide food and that special attention).

Example: the barking of dogs

Friends with dogs out of sight so that your dog will not bark at the dogs.

When the dog approaches, begin feeding and special attention to the dogs.

And immediately stopped feeding and special attention as soon as a friend and his dog had started jauh.dari view.

Repeat the process several times!

Remember! need time do not try to move forward too quickly because it might take several days or weeks before the dog can feel your notice and without barking at the sight of other dogs.

4. Teach the command "Sit", "Down" and "Stay" to your dog

It may sound absurd, but the first step of this technique is to teach the dog to bark on command.

Give the dog the command for "barking" wait he barked two or three times and then give food and special attention to him.

Repeat the command until he started barking as soon as you say "barking"

Having a dog can bark on command, began to teach him the command "quiet". Training in a quiet environment without distractions, tell him to "barking," and when he started barking, command the dog to "Sit", "Down" and "Stay" and if successful immediately provide food and special attention to her.

Example: a guest at the door

When the doorbell rang, the dog barks to tell the presence of "visitors" with wild barking.

After you successfully teach the dog the command "quiet" in a quiet environment, practitioners in a situation that can directly interfere until the dog stops barking when it was ruled a "quiet" even as well as "guests" arrived at the door.

5. Educate the dog to do something different

 When the dog started barking, Rule him to do something different ..

Teaching a dog to react to stimuli barking at anything that inhibits him from barking, such as "Sit", "Down" and "Stay".

 Example: someone at the door

Orders him to "Sit", "Down" and "Stay"

 When successfully provide food and special attention

When he had sat down, open the door, close the door if he woke up immediately.

Repeat until he is still "sitting" when the doors open.

Then increase the difficulty with someone rang the door bell while the dog "sit".

Give a gift !! food and special attention if the dog remains sitting in his place.

6. Make dog tired

Make sure the dog get a physical and mental exercise enough each day.
A tired dog is a good dog and do not tend to bark because of loneliness, boredom or frustration.
Depending on the type, age, and health of the dog

Require the dog walk around and play catch the ball and some interactive toys.

Good luck!

Why do dogs bark?

Dogs have many who will say and how they do it by barking.

They bark to ask

exit, entrance, to tell strangers in the yard, cars, and other animals.

Too much barking can be a problem.

You want to respect the neighbors and local laws control barking dogs.

In order to determine why dogs bark, you may need to do some clever detective work - especially if it happens when you are not at home.

You can ask neighbors what they see and hear.

Attach the camera and recorder to hear and see the dog when you leave the house.

After a few recordings, you can take the general conclusion that cause dogs to bark.

Common causes of barking

Attention / Demand: Dogs may be hungry, ask out or ask for your attention.

Boredom / frustration: The dog may have been left outside day and night or confined to one room for a long period of time.

Fear: The dog may be afraid of objects, people, places, animals or loud noises such as thunder and fireworks.

Tip: Your dog posture can tell you if he is barking out of fear. Usually ears down and tail down low.

Territories / protective: Dog barking as "guests" that may include strangers and other dogs in the yard adjacent.

Tip: If the dog is territorial / protective, dashing and threatening posture with tail held high and ears forward and upwards.

Playful / spirit: Dogs may be playful and excited when greeting people.

Health Problem: Your dog may have a Canine Cognitive Dysfunction or deaf that caused him barking because he can not hear his own gonggongnya ..

Health-related barking.

Some dogs bark because of age-related dementia or deafness.

Be patient with your dog!

Make it simple and orderly environment and do not often make changes in the environment.

Talk to your veterinarian about medications that can help dementia.

If you are deaf dog commands using hand signals as a gesture of "calm." With respect to some dogs barking turns.

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