Friday 1 May 2015

how long do dogs stay pregnant 4

how long do dogs stay pregnant 4

berapa lama anjing tetap hamil 4
how long do dogs stay pregnant 4 The gestation period in dogs is usually about 2 months counted after day pemacakan, in early pregnancy is usually a sign of pregnancy is physically not yet seen, but usually already noticeable changes in behavior. This is it ..

Do not want to be married anymore

Dogs are pregnant, though still time loops are usually already not want to be married again at stud. I was so turned fierce dog fitting already pregnant, rich he is frustrated because pursued the male continues to ask mating, hehehehe ...

Changes in appetite

Pregnant dogs usually increases appetite, it is because the baby also need adequate nutrition to thrive. But when the end of pregnancy there is also pregnant so lazy dog ​​eating, should tetep fed ya know, healthy tetep let the baby and its mother.

Looking for attention

Dogs who are pregnant usually become more spoiled, always looking for the attention of the employer. The Carla is now so excited I really every home, whereas first really cool, do not ever want dateng I've walo call. Now he's a little bit of my nyariin, near-deket I, like cium2 (when used not ever). Pregnant dogs also become more lazy, that job mulu sleep. For the Carla, now he despise sleeping in my bed, when used under, essentially he is always looking for places anget and padded so.

As for physical signs of pregnancy usually only apparent after 4-5 weeks of gestation. The signs include:

Pubic swell

If after the loop ends and genitals swell and secrete mucus remains clear, the possibility pemacakan successful and pregnancy.

Stomach vibrate

If the female dog's stomach continues to vibrate can be pregnant dog (these characteristics given Mr. Klonthong - trekenal handler in the city of Solo)

Abdominal bloating

at the age of 4 weeks of pregnancy are usually already visible enlarged abdomen, which is referred to here is the abdomen rib yes, if the bottom anyway because a lot of eating, hehehehe ... If palpated his belly also anget, substantially hotter than the temperature of the dog's stomach is not pregnant ,

Enlarged nipples

Putting also be getting bigger due to start producing milk, will form a kind of channel that connects each nipple so along the belly. Putting if held too warm and reddish pink color began. Fur around the nipples also will fall, it is easier for the baby to suckle later. Nearing childbirth will further enlarged nipples and out milk when squeezed.

Those are some traits to know your dog is pregnant or not. But if you want to be certain again, could priksain your dog to a clinic or Puskeswan, if drh'nya clever, he can know the dog is pregnant or not through palpation. But if more Manteb again yes in-USG.

Appropriate nutrition is the key accompanied by light physical exercise in order to keep the body's metabolism running optimally.
Here are some things you should observe and do:

    Vaccination schedule, deworming (worm medication) or a provision of anti-lice. Preferably for animals that are pregnant NOT be vaccinated. Vaccination should be delayed until the mother giving birth and lactation off. What worming and anti kutunya? There are still differences of opinion among veterinarians about this, you should visit the veterinarian you trust and discuss the possibility of giving worming and anti fleas on your dog is pregnant, because it is better when the mother giving birth, the mother is free of parasites both internal parasites and external ,
    Changes in behavior. Dogs that are pregnant will usually be more sensitive and more want to be noticed. Preferably while you are pregnant dog away from children who might be bothering him and make your dog become pregnant setres and angry. There are good dogs that are pregnant placed in a special room that is clean and free of distractions and certainly uncomfortable for the dog. In early pregnancy morning sickness syndrome is also found in dogs. You should take your dog to the vet to be given anti-vomiting drug that is safe for dogs that are pregnant.
    The fulfillment of nutritional needs. This is the key, and you should adhere to it so that your dog survived and later gave birth to children who are born healthy. If you are accustomed to give premium dog food, the nutritional content has met the standard of your dog's nutritional needs. It is advisable to provide the type of puppy dog ​​food due to the composition of nutrients to feed the puppy more complete especially high in protein, fat and minerals. Dogs who are pregnant also fed 2-4 times more often than when she is not pregnant. But stay alert, do not get pregnant dogs become obese because he had too much to eat. Take it for a walk every morning / afternoon about 30 minutes. At the end of the three weeks before the birth, with the state of the uterus is getting bigger then it will be difficult to accommodate eat large amounts of these foods then give a little but often. Calcium supplementation is also advisable not excessive, and if you are using a premium dog food then this supplementation is not necessary. Excessive calcium supplementation would be the trigger events "Eclampsia" or "Milk Fever" where the condition of calcium in the blood decreases dramatically resulting in the dog becomes weak and suffered paralysis (not being able to support the body) is accompanied by an increase in body temperature that when these conditions are not immediately corrected can be fatal. Excessive calcium supplementation would disturb hormonal regulation in the dog's body to produce calcium so that calcium is needed when the mother breast-feeding (when the mother started to produce milk which occurs in late pregnancy) is not fulfilled due to hormonal functions (parathyroid hormone), which stalled due to the oral calcium supplementation Excessive while she was pregnant.
    The liquid that comes out of the birth canal (vagina). Pregnant dog from her vagina will secrete a clear fluid, please regularly cleaned and when the clear liquid turned into a turbid and with your blood you should immediately take him to the vet because of concern there are complications in the womb.
    1-2 weeks before delivery. Start teaching your dog to get used to in a special room that you are prepared for her and her children when she gave birth later. It is specially for those of you who used to sleep one place with your dog, because if he is not accustomed to it when she gives birth she will choose to give birth on your bed, and yes ... certainly troublesome, is not it? :). The dog will give birth after she became pregnant for 63 days so make sure you record the date when he mated.

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