Tuesday 5 May 2015

Dog Disease - Distemper

Dog Disease - Distemper

Dog Disease - Distemper

Canine distemper is a highly contagious disease caused by a virus similar to the one that causes measles in people.

Canine distemper virus infected release in all body fluids.

Inhalation of the virus is the main source of exposure.

The highest incidence of the disease occurs in puppies aged 6 to 12 weeks of age, in which the antibody fall.

Half the dogs were infected with the distemper virus show mild signs of illness or no signs at all.

The disease is most severe in dogs are malnourished and unkempt.
Distemper virus tends to attack brain cells and cells lining the surface of the body, including the skin, conjunctiva, the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract.
This disease occurs in various forms. Secondary infections and complications are common, partly due to the immunosuppressive effects of the virus.

The first signs of distemper appear six to nine days after exposure, and in mild cases is unknown.

    The first stage of fever up to 39.4 ° to 40.5 ° C,
    second fever spike is accompanied by loss of appetite, lethargy, and watery discharge from the eyes and nose.

These symptoms are sometimes incorrectly thought the dog flu.

Within a few days, the eyes and nasal fluids become thick and yellow and sticky.
The dog began to experience a dry cough. Pus blisters can appear on the abdomen. Vomiting and diarrhea are common and can lead to severe dehydration.

Over the next 1 to 2 weeks, the dog appears to be improving but then relapsed again.
This often coincides with the end of a course of antibiotics and the development of gastrointestinal and respiratory complications due to secondary bacterial invasion.
The second stage occurs two to three weeks after the onset of disease. Many dogs develop signs of involvement of the brain (encephalitis), is characterized by brief attacks slobbering, head shaking, and chewing jaw movement (as if the dog was chewing gum). Such as epileptic seizures can occur, where dogs run in circles, fall over, and four legs wild kick. After the seizure episode dog seems confused, shy away from its owner, wandering aimlessly, and it seems to be blind.
In the case of the involvement of the brain where the diagnosis is uncertain, spinal taps and cerebrospinal fluid analysis may help. But this is not always diagnostic. Another indication of the involvement of the brain
Distemper myoclonus, a condition characterized by rhythmic contractions of muscle groups of up to 60 contractions per minute. Jerking and affects all parts of the body, but are most common in the head. Myoclonus first seen when the dog is resting or sleeping. Then there both day and night. Pain accompanying myoclonus, and whining dogs and crying. If the dog recovered, jerking continue indefinitely-but become less severe with time.

Hard-pad is a form of distemper virus that attacks the skin of the feet and nose, causing the thickness of the skin on the nose and foot pads calluslike. It appeared 15 days after the onset of infection.
At one time, the hard-pad and encephalitis is considered a separate disease, but they are now recognized is caused by different strains of distemper virus.
Hard-pad is now less common because of advanced vaccines and increased use of vaccines.

Distemper sabikanya treated by a veterinarian.
Antibiotics should be used to prevent secondary bacterial infection even though they have no effect on the distemper virus.
Supportive treatment including intravenous fluids to correct dehydration, drugs to prevent vomiting and diarrhea and anticonvulsants and sedatives to control seizures.
The result depends on the

- How quickly you seek professional help,
- Virulence of the strain of distemper,
- The age of the dog, if he had been vaccinated, and
- Ability to formation of immune quickly and effectively to overcoming the virus.

Vaccinations against distemper almost 100% protect.

All puppies should be vaccinated age of 8 weeks.
Pregnant female dogs should be given DHPP (distemper, hepatitis, parvovirus, parainfluenza and combinations) booster injections two to four weeks before delivery.

This ensures that high levels of antibodies will be present in colostrum.
However, some veterinarians believe additional vaccine booster is not needed.

Some Types of Dog Vaccination for prevention

Type Vaccination



Vaccination DP

Distemper and Parvovirus

 6-8 weeks
Vaccination PiBr

Parainfluenza and Bordetella

10-12 weeks
Vaccination DHLPI

Distemper, Hepatitis, Leptospirosis and Parvovirus

14-16 weeks
Vaccination DHLPII + R

Distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis, parvovirus and rabies

20 weeks

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