Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Alaskan Malamute Puppies type

Alaskan Malamute Puppies type


Alaskan Malamute is a domestic dog originally bred for use as a useful dog and then used to pull a sled.

Until recently, the Alaskan Malamute is still used as a sled dog personal, transporting goods or assist transportation of goods light.

Personality Malamute is the most powerful syang is independence .. Independence, a lot of sense and natural instinct is the nature of the dog.

Because the intelligence of this dog, the owner becomes difficult to train this dog.

However, if the owners and trainers understand and know how to motivate the dog's success will not be difficult.

If instead Alaskan Malamute would not obey orders and vice versa dog owner should choose another race more by.

Leading cause of death Alaskan Malamute is cancer, other musculoskeletal (hip dysplasia) and hereditary cataract.

There are additional health problems epilepsy, cardiac disorders, kidney disorders, skin disorders and eye problems (cataracts and retinal atrophy especially progressive)
Hypoallergenic: No
Lifespan: 13-16 years
Country of Origin: United States
Temperament: Dignity, Love play, Truth, Love and friendly
Weight Males: 36-43 kg
Female Weight: 32-38 kg
High Males: 61-66 cm
High Females: 56-61 cm
Color: Black & White, Brown & White. Grey & White

Glance Alaskan Malamute dog is similar to a Siberian Husky dog ​​who both have a body and face shape like Wolves. Striking differences that distinguish this dog with a Siberian Husky is a larger body size and tail are raised exceeded the back line.

Alaskan Malamute is included in group V (Spitz). Derived from Norton Sound area on the northwest coast of Alaska. Given the name Alaskan Malamute because these dogs are found in areas with a population of native Alaskan Inuit or known Mahlemuts.

Due to a strong body structure and large, this dog as a companion diguanak hunt seals or bears by locals. This dog muli recognized by the American Kennel Club and exhibited in 1935.

Alaskan Malamute Puppies type-Standardization

General Appearance.

Alaskan Malmute has a great body, strong, balanced, powerful, and has a big leg bones. Having an active and energetic properties. This dog has a friendly nature towards strangers and very obedient and happy to play.


For the male has a height 63.5 cm (measured from the ground to the shoulder) to the weight of about 38 kg. As for the females have a height of 58.5 cm with a weight of about 34 kg.


Skull width and slightly rounded. Gentle facial expressions. Long snout with a medium-sized but not tapered at the ends. Almond-shaped eyes premises medium-size fruit. Eye color brown / bit dark. The ears stand up straight and tapered at the ends. The nose is black. Arrangement of the teeth should be cutting (scissor bite) with a large and powerful jaws.


The neck is of medium size, strong and slightly arched forward.

Body. Alaskan Malamute has a compact body with a deep chest / muscular. Back line should be straight and strong impression. Alaskn Malamute has a strong front legs, fine-boned and muscular. The fist big toe to toe sealed (knead). Elbow back foot should be clear but not too sharp like a dog Miniature Pincher. The tail has a thick fur and a bit curly. The tail should be lifted when it is berjaln or in standby.


Alaskan Malamute has a thick fur to protect themselves from the cold air. Feathers grow tightly like a carpet. Having bagin in smooth fur and like cotton.


Alaskan Malamute usually gray with a little mix of black / brown and white color around the face, chest, legs and tail.

Disqualification. Tooth shape is not cutting, do not have mono testes or testicles, blue eyes, light-colored nose, and tail are not lifted.

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